Schofield Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Schofield Mold Remediation

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Call: (330) 625-9432

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Schofield is a small city located in Marathon County, Wisconsin. It is situated in the central part of the state and is part of the Wausau Metropolitan Statistical Area. With a population of around 2,200 people, Schofield offers a peaceful and close-knit community for its residents.

One of the key features of Schofield is its close proximity to Wausau, the county seat of Marathon County. This gives residents easy access to the amenities and services available in a larger city, while still enjoying the quiet and tranquility of small-town living. The city is also conveniently located near major highways, making it easy to travel to other parts of the state.

Schofield boasts a strong sense of community and hosts a number of events and activities throughout the year to bring residents together. The city is home to several parks and recreational facilities, providing ample opportunities for outdoor recreation such as hiking, biking, and picnicking. In addition, the nearby Rib Mountain State Park offers even more outdoor activities, including camping, skiing, and snowshoeing.

The city also has a thriving local economy, with a mix of small businesses, shops, and restaurants that cater to the needs of residents. Schofield is home to several manufacturing companies, which provide employment opportunities for the local workforce. In addition, the nearby city of Wausau offers even more job opportunities in a variety of industries.

For families with children, Schofield is served by the D.C. Everest Area School District, which provides high-quality education for students from kindergarten through 12th grade. The district is known for its strong academic programs and extracurricular activities, giving students the opportunity to excel both inside and outside the classroom.

Overall, Schofield, Wisconsin is a charming and vibrant city that offers a high quality of life for its residents. With its strong sense of community, convenient location, and range of amenities, it is a wonderful place to call home.

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