Screven Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Screven Mold Remediation

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Screven is a small town located in the eastern part of Georgia, United States. With a population of just over 800 people, it is a close-knit and friendly community that offers a peaceful and simple way of life. The town is part of Wayne County and is situated along the banks of the Altamaha River, providing residents with beautiful natural surroundings and opportunities for outdoor activities.

Screven has a rich history that can be seen in its well-preserved historic buildings and landmarks. The town’s downtown area features a number of historic structures, including the Screven City Hall, which was built in 1923 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The town also has several churches that have stood for well over a century, adding to its historical charm.

In addition to its historical significance, Screven is also known for its strong community spirit. The town hosts various community events and festivals throughout the year, which bring residents together to celebrate their heritage and enjoy each other’s company. These events include the Screven Day Festival, which features live music, food, and games for the whole family.

Screven’s economy is driven by agriculture, with cotton, peanuts, and timber being the main industries in the area. The town also has a small commercial district that provides residents with the essentials they need, as well as a few restaurants and businesses that contribute to the local economy.

For those who enjoy the outdoors, Screven offers plenty of opportunities for recreation. The Altamaha River provides excellent fishing and boating opportunities, and there are also several parks and natural areas nearby where residents can hike, camp, and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Overall, Screven is a charming and welcoming town with a strong sense of community and a rich history. Its beautiful natural surroundings and tight-knit community make it a wonderful place to call home.

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