Stratham Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Stratham Mold Remediation

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Stratham, New Hampshire is a charming town located in Rockingham County, in the southern part of the state. With a population of around 7,500 people, it’s a small yet vibrant community that offers a peaceful and picturesque environment. The town is conveniently located just 12 miles from the vibrant city of Portsmouth and is within easy reach of the beautiful New Hampshire seacoast.

One of the highlights of Stratham is its natural beauty. The town is home to a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities, including hiking, biking, and birdwatching. Residents and visitors alike can explore the lush forests, serene lakes, and meandering rivers that make for the perfect backdrop for outdoor adventures. The Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge is a popular spot for wildlife enthusiasts, as it offers a diverse range of habitats and a variety of bird species.

In addition to its natural beauty, Stratham also offers a rich history and a strong sense of community. The town is home to several historic buildings and landmarks, including the Stratham Hill Park, which features a historic castle-like tower that offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. The Stratham Fair, which has been a tradition in the town for over 50 years, is a beloved event that brings the community together for festivities, entertainment, and fun.

Stratham also boasts a strong educational system, with highly-rated public schools and a close-knit community that values education. The town is known for its strong sense of pride and support for its local schools, which are consistently recognized for their academic excellence and extracurricular programs.

Overall, Stratham, New Hampshire is a charming and welcoming town with a strong sense of community, natural beauty, and a rich history. Whether you’re looking to explore the great outdoors, connect with nature, or immerse yourself in a close-knit community, Stratham has something to offer for everyone.

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