Telford Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Telford Mold Remediation

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Telford, Tennessee is a small rural community located in the northeastern part of the state. It is a peaceful and picturesque area that offers a serene and close-knit community for its residents. With a population of just over 1,000 people, Telford is a tight-knit community where everyone knows each other, and there is a strong sense of community and pride.

One of the most prominent features of Telford is its beautiful natural surroundings. The area is surrounded by lush greenery, rolling hills, and picturesque countryside. The Nolichucky River runs through the area, offering locals and visitors a place to enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing, kayaking, and hiking. In addition to the river, there are several nearby parks and nature reserves that offer opportunities for outdoor recreation and relaxation.

Telford is also known for its rich history and heritage. The community has a number of historic buildings and landmarks that give the area a timeless charm. The Davy Crockett Birthplace State Park, located just a few miles from Telford, is a popular destination for history enthusiasts. The park is home to the reconstructed birthplace of the famed frontiersman, as well as a museum and visitor center that showcases artifacts and exhibits related to Crockett’s life and the early days of Tennessee.

In terms of community activities, Telford hosts a variety of events and gatherings throughout the year. The annual Telford Daze festival is a highlight for residents and visitors alike, featuring live music, food vendors, arts and crafts, and a lively community atmosphere. Additionally, the Telford Volunteer Fire Department hosts regular events and fundraisers to support the community.

Overall, Telford, Tennessee is a charming and idyllic community that offers a peaceful and welcoming environment for its residents. With its natural beauty, rich history, and close-knit community, Telford is a hidden gem in the heart of Tennessee.

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