Troy Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Troy Mold Remediation

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Troy, Virginia is a small, charming town located in Fluvanna County in the central part of the state. This rural town is known for its picturesque landscapes, historical sites, and strong sense of community.

One of the most notable attractions in Troy is the Trump Winery, which is owned by President Donald Trump’s son, Eric Trump. The winery is set on a beautiful estate and offers tours, tastings, and events. It is a popular destination for wine enthusiasts and those looking to experience the beauty of Virginia’s wine country.

In addition to the winery, Troy is also home to the historic Castle Hill, a plantation dating back to the 18th century. The estate features a stunning mansion, beautiful gardens, and is open for tours and events. Visitors can step back in time and learn about the rich history of the area while exploring the grounds of this grand estate.

The town of Troy also offers an array of outdoor recreational activities, with its close proximity to the nearby Shenandoah National Park, Lake Monticello, and the James River. Hiking, fishing, and boating are popular pastimes for residents and visitors alike.

Troy has a tight-knit community, and the town hosts several annual events and festivals that bring everyone together. The Troy Farmers Market showcases local vendors and artisans, and the TroyFest is a celebration of the town’s culture and history with live music, food, and activities for the whole family.

The town’s charming downtown area is filled with local shops, restaurants, and businesses that give Troy its unique character and provide a sense of community for its residents.

Overall, Troy, Virginia is a hidden gem in the heart of the state, offering a blend of history, natural beauty, and a strong sense of community. Whether you’re sipping wine at Trump Winery, hiking through the rolling hills, or enjoying a community event, Troy has something for everyone to enjoy.

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