Trufant Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Trufant Mold Remediation

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Trufant is a small rural village located in Montcalm County, Michigan, with a population of just over 700 people. It is a close-knit community with a rich history and a strong sense of pride in its agricultural roots.

The village was founded in the late 1800s and was named after Perry Trufant, a prominent local merchant and businessman. Trufant quickly became a hub for local farmers and merchants, and the town thrived as an agricultural center. Today, this agricultural heritage is still evident in the rolling farmland that surrounds the village and the numerous farmsteads and agricultural businesses in the area.

Trufant is also known for its annual Chicken Barbecue, a popular event that has been held for over 60 years. The event attracts visitors from all over the region who come to enjoy delicious barbecue chicken, live music, and a festive atmosphere. It is just one example of how the community comes together to celebrate its heritage and create a strong sense of community.

In addition to its agricultural roots, Trufant is also known for its outdoor recreational opportunities. The village is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, including woodlands, rivers, and lakes. This makes it an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts, who can enjoy activities such as hiking, fishing, and camping. The nearby Flat River State Game Area and Clifford Lake offer additional opportunities for outdoor recreation.

Trufant is also home to several small businesses and local shops, including a general store, a diner, and a hardware store. These businesses provide essential goods and services to the local community and contribute to the village’s unique, small-town charm.

Overall, Trufant is a community that is proud of its heritage and is committed to preserving its agricultural roots and close-knit community spirit. It offers residents and visitors alike a peaceful and picturesque rural setting, with plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation and a strong sense of community pride.

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