Union Park Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Union Park Mold Remediation

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Call: (330) 625-9432

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Union Park is a small unincorporated community located in Orange County, Florida. Situated just a few miles northeast of downtown Orlando, Union Park offers its residents a suburban feel with easy access to all of the amenities and attractions of the city.

Originally established in the late 1800s, Union Park has a rich history that dates back to the days when citrus groves and cattle ranches dominated the area. Today, it has evolved into a thriving community with a diverse population and a strong sense of community pride.

One of the most appealing aspects of Union Park is its convenient location. Residents can easily access major highways, such as the East-West Expressway and State Road 417, allowing for quick and easy commutes to the surrounding areas. Additionally, the community is located near several shopping centers, restaurants, and entertainment options, making it a highly desirable place to live.

Union Park is also known for its excellent schools, making it an attractive option for families. The community is served by the Orange County Public Schools district, which offers a range of educational opportunities for students of all ages. In addition to its strong public school system, Union Park is also home to several private and charter schools, providing families with a variety of options for their children’s education.

For those who enjoy spending time outdoors, Union Park offers plenty of opportunities for recreation. The area features several parks and green spaces, including the popular Blanchard Park, which offers walking trails, picnic areas, and playgrounds for children. Additionally, the nearby Econ River Wilderness Area provides residents with a scenic backdrop for hiking, canoeing, and wildlife viewing.

Overall, Union Park offers residents a peaceful and family-friendly environment with easy access to the amenities of the city. With its convenient location, strong sense of community, and abundance of recreational opportunities, Union Park is a wonderful place to call home in central Florida.

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