Webster Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Webster Mold Remediation

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Webster is a city located in Harris County, Texas, United States. Its population is around 11,000 people, and it covers an area of approximately six square miles. The city is situated in the southeastern part of the Houston metropolitan area, making it a part of the Greater Houston region.

The history of Webster dates back to the 1800s when it was originally settled by European immigrants. It was officially incorporated as a city in 1958. Over the years, Webster has grown and developed into a vibrant community known for its excellent schools, diverse population, and strong economy.

One of the key features of Webster is its strong economy, which is driven by a mix of retail, commercial, and industrial businesses. The city is home to several major employers, including NASA’s Johnson Space Center, which is just a few miles away. The presence of the space center has also contributed to Webster’s reputation as a hub of science, technology, and innovation, attracting tech-savvy professionals and entrepreneurs to the area.

In terms of education, Webster is served by the Clear Creek Independent School District, which is known for its high academic standards and innovative programs. The district includes several top-rated schools, providing local students with a quality education. Additionally, the city is also home to a few higher education institutions, including the University of Houston-Clear Lake and San Jacinto College.

Webster also offers a range of recreational opportunities for its residents and visitors. The city has a number of parks, trails, and recreational facilities where people can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and picnicking. In addition, Webster is also conveniently located near the Gulf of Mexico, making it easy for residents to access beaches and water-based activities.

Overall, Webster, Texas, is a thriving community with a strong economy, excellent schools, and plenty of recreational opportunities. Its proximity to Houston and the Gulf Coast make it an attractive place to live, work, and visit.

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