West Farmington Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

West Farmington Mold Remediation

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Call: (330) 625-9432

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West Farmington is a charming town located in Franklin County, Maine. With a population of just over 500 people, this small community offers a peaceful and picturesque setting for its residents. The town is part of the Farmington, Maine micropolitan New England City and Town Area.

The town of West Farmington is rich in history and has a strong sense of community. The town’s history dates back to the early 1800s when it was first settled by pioneers and farmers. Today, evidence of the town’s agricultural roots can be seen in the rolling fields and farms that dot the landscape. The historic architecture of the town’s buildings and homes adds to the quaint and charming atmosphere.

West Farmington is home to many outdoor recreational opportunities. The town is surrounded by natural beauty, including the nearby Sandy River and Weld Lake. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy fishing, boating, and canoeing in the river or spend a day hiking or picnicking along its banks. The area is also a popular spot for birdwatching and wildlife observation.

For those who enjoy winter sports, West Farmington is just a short drive from several ski resorts, where residents can enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing during the winter months. In addition to outdoor activities, the town also offers community events and festivals throughout the year, including a Fourth of July celebration, harvest festivals, and holiday events.

The town is home to a close-knit community with strong ties to local businesses and organizations. Residents can find everything they need in the town, from locally-owned shops to services such as healthcare, banking, and dining. The town also boasts a strong school system and a library, providing educational and recreational resources for residents of all ages.

Overall, West Farmington offers a peaceful and idyllic way of life. With its rich history, natural beauty, and strong sense of community, it’s no wonder why residents are proud to call this town home.

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