Woodbourne Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Woodbourne Mold Remediation

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Woodbourne is a small hamlet located in the town of Fallsburg in Sullivan County, New York. With a population of around 850 residents, the community is known for its scenic beauty, rich history, and close-knit community atmosphere.

The area was originally settled in the early 19th century, and it quickly became a hub for the lumber industry due to its abundance of forests. The town’s name actually derives from the words “wood” and “bourne,” which means a small river or stream. This emphasis on forestry also led to the establishment of several woodworking and furniture manufacturing businesses in the area.

Woodbourne is situated in the heart of the Catskill Mountains, providing residents and visitors with stunning views and ample opportunities for outdoor recreation. The area is home to several hiking trails, fishing and hunting spots, as well as numerous campsites and recreational facilities. In addition, the town is well-known for its vibrant fall foliage, which attracts tourists from all over the region.

The hamlet also has a rich cultural heritage, with a diverse population that includes a large Orthodox Jewish community, as well as residents from various other backgrounds. This diversity is reflected in the town’s local businesses, restaurants, and community events, making it a welcoming and inclusive place to live.

Woodbourne also has a strong sense of community, and residents often come together to participate in various events and activities. The town hosts an annual Fourth of July celebration, as well as community picnics, fairs, and farmers’ markets throughout the year. In addition, the local library and community center offer a variety of programs and events for all ages.

Overall, Woodbourne, New York, offers a peaceful and serene environment for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. Its natural beauty, rich history, and strong sense of community make it a unique and charming place to call home.

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