Woodbridge Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Woodbridge Mold Remediation

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Woodbridge is a diverse and vibrant township located in Middlesex County, New Jersey. With a population of over 100,000 residents, it is one of the largest townships in the state and offers a mix of urban, suburban, and rural neighborhoods. The town is conveniently located just a short drive from New York City, making it a popular choice for commuters looking for a more affordable place to live.

One of the most notable aspects of Woodbridge is its rich history. Established in 1669, it is one of the oldest townships in New Jersey and has a number of historic sites and landmarks. The township is home to the oldest Presbyterian church in New Jersey, as well as the Cross Keys Tavern, a historic stagecoach stop along the Old Post Road.

Woodbridge also offers a variety of amenities and attractions for residents and visitors alike. The township is home to several shopping centers, including the upscale Woodbridge Center, which features over 200 stores and restaurants. There are also numerous parks and recreational facilities, including the scenic Woodbridge Waterfront Park and the sprawling Merrill Park, which offers hiking trails, sports fields, and picnic areas.

In addition to its historic sites and amenities, Woodbridge is known for its diverse community and strong sense of community pride. The township hosts a number of annual events and festivals, including the Summer Concert Series, the Street Fair and Craft Show, and the Barron Arts Center exhibits. There are also a variety of sports leagues, clubs, and organizations that cater to residents of all ages and interests.

Woodbridge also has an excellent public school system, making it an attractive option for families looking to settle down in a safe and welcoming community. The township is also home to several higher education institutions, including the Middlesex County College and the Berkeley College Woodbridge campus.

Overall, Woodbridge is a thriving township with a rich history, diverse culture, and strong sense of community spirit. Whether you’re looking for a place to raise a family, start a career, or enjoy a vibrant social life, Woodbridge has something to offer for everyone.

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