Worthington Hills Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Worthington Hills Mold Remediation

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Worthington Hills, Kentucky is a charming and picturesque community located in Jefferson County, just outside of Louisville. This affluent neighborhood is known for its stunning views, large estates, and friendly atmosphere. With a population of just over 1,500 residents, Worthington Hills offers a close-knit and family-friendly environment for its residents.

One of the most attractive features of Worthington Hills is its natural beauty. The neighborhood is surrounded by lush greenery, rolling hills, and scenic landscapes. Many of the homes in the area boast breathtaking views of the Ohio River and the downtown Louisville skyline. This makes Worthington Hills an ideal location for those who appreciate a peaceful and serene environment.

Worthington Hills is also known for its spacious and elegant homes. The neighborhood is home to a variety of architectural styles, including traditional brick homes, stately colonial houses, and modern luxury estates. The large lots and well-maintained properties give Worthington Hills a sense of elegance and exclusivity. The neighborhood is also known for its top-rated schools, making it a popular choice for families looking to settle down in a safe and prestigious area.

In addition to its natural beauty and luxurious homes, Worthington Hills offers a variety of recreational opportunities for its residents. The neighborhood is home to a number of parks, playgrounds, and walking trails, providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities and exercise. There are also several country clubs and golf courses nearby, catering to those who enjoy spending time on the greens.

Worthington Hills is conveniently located near the city of Louisville, giving residents easy access to a wide range of shopping, dining, and entertainment options. The neighborhood is also just a short drive away from the Louisville International Airport, making it easy to travel for work or leisure.

In conclusion, Worthington Hills, Kentucky is a beautiful and welcoming community that offers a high quality of life for its residents. With its stunning natural surroundings, luxurious homes, and convenient location, it’s no wonder that Worthington Hills is considered one of the most desirable neighborhoods in the Louisville area.

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